Planning Application Drawings for Alterations, Lofts & Extensions

We offer a competitively priced service to provide all detailed building plan drawings with building regulation details and notes. Plans are required for various projects such as extensions, loft conversions, alterations, renovations and refurbishments.
Planning and Building regulation applications can be submitted on your behalf. This service can be tailored to your precise requirements from design drawings through to full planning permission applications.

Schedules of Condition

Schedules of Condition are a record of the condition of a property at a particular point in time.

Schedules of Condition are required at the time of taking up a lease on a commercial property or letting a residential property to a tenant.

Due to the maintenance responsibilities which are commonly placed on a tenant. Under the terms of a lease the tenant will be required to return the building to the landlord in no worse condition than when the lease was taken. The tenant is responsible for repairs, maintenance and even replacing parts of the building, fixtures or fittings.

Sometimes the tenant is required to improve the condition of the property during the course of the lease. Schedules of Condition details the condition of the building and is always accompanied by a set of photographs.

Schedules of Condition may also be required before extensive building work which may cause damage to neighbouringpremises, or as part of an Award document made under the provisions of the Party Wall Etc Act 1996.

At Nationwide Surveyors we can provide Schedules of Condition both at the start and at the termination of the lease. The report will provide an accurate summary of the condition of the property together with any defects prior to occupation.


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